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Skin Aeon MQ 5 Frodo and Gotham
Sinal Aviso 

Apoie o projeto MEDIA Brasil. Faça uma doação ou assine e torne-se Vip - Tenha acesso aos recursos exclusivos das versões customizadas + acesso área vip do fórum.  
Support the Media Brazil project. Make a donation or subscribe and become VIP - Access the exclusive features of the custom versions + access the VIP area of the forum.
Request more info via chat or private message.

Please do not PM me for support; use the forum instead

Media Brazil Forum Staff
KODI 21.0 Omega Custom / Skin Aeon MQ9-1.6.0-29 - 09.15.2023
Be Vip Plus, donate.

ola excelente trabalho, adorei a skin, so tenho um pedido, como altero a cor da lista de canais? estou um pouco longe da tv e a info EPG de cada canal nao e mto perceptivel. Queria por tipo amarelo ou laranja

Muito Bom Trabalho, Parabéns!


I've installed 1.2.1RC1, but it is failing to download the extrapack. The download starts, but then fails generally at around 10%. Is there a way to manually download it and install?


@Matt isfat

Link for download:


Unzip and put files manually in this path in windows


Apoie o projeto MEDIA Brasil. Faça uma doação ou assine e torne-se Vip - Tenha acesso aos recursos exclusivos das versões customizadas + acesso área vip do fórum.  
Support the Media Brazil project. Make a donation or subscribe and become VIP - Access the exclusive features of the custom versions + access the VIP area of the forum.
Request more info via chat or private message.

Please do not PM me for support; use the forum instead

Media Brazil Forum Staff
KODI 21.0 Omega Custom / Skin Aeon MQ9-1.6.0-29 - 09.15.2023
Be Vip Plus, donate.

Aeon MQ 5 - 1.3.2 RC2 - Available


Added: New Watched Flag.
Added: Greek Fonts. (thanks to CutSickAss)
Added: TvTunes script - Button in Video Info to get Movie Themes and Tv Show Themes/solo mode.
Added: Widgets - Option to set between 4/8 or 12 itens.
Added: Season info for all List views.
Improved: Watched flag and Scroll Bar - Skin respects the color used in color selector.
Improved: Font used in main menu - Skin respects the font style used in main menu/widget title/playback time.
Changed: Font Style 6 - better support to special characters.
Changed: Logo and Clearart in full screen mode to prevent missing art.
Changed: TvTunes - is activated by default.
Changed: TvTunes - removed the button for get themes within the collection.
Changed: Removed the limitation in Top Menu/Sort/Music. Now is available outside of library mode.
Fixed: Widgets - Option to show 4 or 8 itens caused displacement in My Menu.
Fixed: Main Menu/Widgets Title - Scroll to accommodate large titles.
Fixed: Showcase view/Watched Flag - does not respect the color used in color selector.
Fixed: Media case 3D - displayed to non-3d content (like AC3D)
Fixed: Missing 4K flag in Media Case selector in some cases.
Fixed: Right List view - missing information about Music/Albuns.
Fixed: Low List view - missing information about Music/Albuns.
Fixed: Low List view - Layout details.
Fixed: Widgets for Next Aired and Favourites are not displayed correctly.
Fixed: Music/submenu - Clean Library and Update Library.
Fixed: Multiplex view - Uniform size of posters.
Fixed: Showcase view - Layout details in panel info for TvShow and Season.
Fixed: Typo in Variables/Music Genres Fanart - (thanks to Cocotus)
Fixed: Main Menu Settings/Info Panel - Missing info panel if activate Clean Mode.
Fixed: Missing Rating Flag in some cases.

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Apoie o projeto MEDIA Brasil. Faça uma doação ou assine e torne-se Vip - Tenha acesso aos recursos exclusivos das versões customizadas + suporte remoto + acesso área vip do fórum.
Sinal Aviso 

(02/10/2013, 23:10)Wanilton Wrote:  @Matt isfat

Link for download:


Unzip and put files manually in this path in windows


Thanks very much - much appreciated.

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