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Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - Printable Version

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RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - Skank - 23/05/2013

Cool! Looking forward to MQ5

My thoughts

Things i prefer in ace above in mq4 so i would like to see in MQ5:

1) much faster, responsive than mq4
2) Movie information screen of ace is good, but perhaps it could get optimized in mq5 (sometimes i get no actor pictures, and when that happens layout isnt that nice with stars ;)
3) keep the layout from movie widgets like in ace

What i dont like in ace, but do in mq4 is:

The whole music layout...
Please make mq5 music layout like in mq4, its the best of all versions and other skins

For viewtypes:
The idea to show a complete list of all views, and let us people chose, is a good idea i think, then get 8 out of all or something.
Views i personally would want in mq5:

Wall view
Right list view
Banner view
Poster view

A thing i liked in aeon nox is that you get a list of all addons supported by the skin, and you could immediately see which ones are installed and which ones not (highlighted in color) and you could easily click it , to download it...

Perhaps also an idea for aeon mq 5

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - Skank - 23/05/2013

Oh forgot another thing :)
support for the added features of (its skin related)

Other things i would like to see if possible:

- able to create/delete/add items to movie groups (like ironman 1,2,3) , =sets
- able to easily edit movie genres... (with some popup?) edit the genres you use.. and edit the movie genre for ex die hard could be under action and thriller, edit it to only action

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - samu-rai - 24/05/2013

@Skank - seems to work for me under both MQ4 and Ace. What features are not working fro you? I fear I may be missing out on some!

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - Skank - 24/05/2013

Yeah works but not. The things that were added like tagging, managing lists...
Skin has to support it..

Also support for xbmc intro movie would be cool

And all. The other things i said

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - samu-rai - 24/05/2013

It appears there are features I'm missing out on then! Thanks for the info.

I have also seen quite a few requests for an 'unlock source' option in the library views. This seems like a good idea too if possible.

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - leftywhat - 26/05/2013

Hi MarcosQui,

My suggestions for MQ5 coming from MQ4 would be....

1. Kiosk Mode to also lock the bottom menu on the main/home screen. Clearly don't want people to accidentally press the down button on the remote a few times and get lost down there.

2. Easier main menu creation, MQ3 was fine, MQ4 seems difficult but by the sounds of it, you've got it covered already

3. More layout options, I think there's currently 14 or so, however, I think there should be another "Panel" view, maybe "Panel Horizontal" with the covers showing horizontal rather than vertical. This will help a lot with Super Nintendo game boxes as they are all horizontal and the only view type that you can use currently is "Poster" if I recall correctly. IMO Panel is the best view type for games, just also need a horizontal covers version, which is lacking.

Also, perhaps rounded corners on the "Banner" viewtype for TV shows would be nice without the clear rectangle box with white boarder. I think Aeon Nox 4.0 has it right/done it better. You can see it in their video at the 1:08 mark.

4. Better layout for Movie Info, that is when you highlight a movie, press the "i" button. I think showing the actors automatically down the bottom of the screen can look a bad if your missing actor images and its just showing a star, I'd prefer to be able to highlight "Actors" or "Cast", then go through their names/images.

I'd also like to see on that screen the fanart, or both box cover and fanart. To be honest, you cannot really see the fanart in the background, unless you press the back button (backpace) where you'll see it for a few seconds. I really think it should show some fanart here. I've already seen the box cover art in the movies menu screen, and you never get to see the fanart show.

The "Get Thumb" and "Get Fanart" options should be hidden off screen as imo they are a menu option, its not an option you want to select 99% of the time.

I like this other layout I used on my TVIX 6600, I think it was from the original Aeon, but I'm not entirely sure, maybe it will give you some ideas.

[Image: YqYKY0gl.jpg][Image: Y4gBedDl.jpg]

5. Cleaner and neater looking menu text. Attached images of MQ4 vs Welo v2

[Image: 3T3f8gFl.jpg][Image: 18RsQFNl.jpg]

6. Better option to display Genre's, perhaps just a better text menu would suffice. I'm not entirely sure if this is just a view type issue and the images on the right don't show, so yea, not sure what's the go there. I'm probably doing something wrong.

[Image: dEJSC7Rl.jpg]

7. My own opinion/request, being able to set the colour of the RSS bar to the same transparent view as the thin bar on top of the main menu as I don't use RSS (I remove the RSS link but keep RSS on so the bar shows)

[Image: 6b1rUpfl.jpg]

Apart from that, I cannot think of anything else. Your skin is clearly the best one going around, I just hope you take my thoughts on board and don't view them negatively but rather positive info to improve this great skin :)
I appreciate the amount of work you do for all of us, its awesome :)

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - Skank - 27/05/2013

Not much reaction here :)

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - samu-rai - 28/05/2013

It would also be good if it was possible to have a watched tag in the season and episode level of the TV library, but not the show level.

On certain views the watched label at the show level can look a little odd.

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - MarcosQui - 31/05/2013

(27/05/2013, 12:15)Skank Wrote:  Not much reaction here :)

Don't worry, I'm following everything, I'm just leaving posting freely. At the appropriate time I will comment.

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - samu-rai - 03/06/2013

Another little request would be to have an option to add logos to movie sets. If this has to be done manually that wouldn’t be a problem.

Also the inclusion of the discart for moviesets script too would be cool too.

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - Wanilton - 03/06/2013

@Samu-rai, discart work with moviesets, when skin have support (ace have), only need have one discart for each item, running Artwork Download, you get arts ok.

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - samu-rai - 04/06/2013

@Wanilton - Oh right. I am running Zombie robots glass list Mod, which is perhaps why I'm not getting it on Ace atm.

A few more suggestions form the international forum (I hope that's ok Marcos):

st graveyard says:

Quote:- Make sure all existing features in MQ4 still function in MQ5 (if it isn't broke, don't fix it)
- A tri-panel like view (as seen in NOX) would be very cool
- Please implemented the same high quality support for Rom Collection Browser as in MQ4, but maybe in MQ give the possibility to add more types of artwork in the detail view. And also perhaps the ability to have game logo's (like movie logo's). Oh, and the zoom functions really need to stay in MQ5 (like in MQ4)
- The top screen of the movie section and tv show section could contain an overview of the total amount of movies or tv shows (as seen on the main menu screen)

FNWC says:

Quote:- Have a full kiosk mode, where a user cannot make any changes to the interface, which includes the info screen (disable any reload/scraping/image changing). I would also like the kiosk mode to allow the search to remain from the top menu (right now it disables the entire top menu). Maybe when kiosk mode is fully enabled, the up button simply brings up a search keyboard interface?

- Bring back the old info screen from MQ3. I am less fond of MQ4's info screen, as the movie poster isn't as a big and there's a bunch of wasted black space next to it.

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - Marco Starling - 05/06/2013

Boa Noite a todos.

Acho a idéia de clonar o Submenu pratica e eficiente. Concordo Plenamente.

Posso estar falando bobagem mas talvez uma idéia para solucionar o problema de quem personaliza demais os Submenus do modo que vi acima, seria inserir um submenu oficial chamado FONTES.
Assim sendo, bastaria cada um organizar seus filmes, ou seja lá o que for, em PASTAS separadas e inserir uma a uma como uma nova Fonte de arquivos.
Exemplo : Ao invés de colocar apenas uma pasta com filmes infantis, subdividi-la em pastas como, HD, DVD, 3D, Disney e o que mais interessar de subdivisão.
Criar um Menu com a Pasta Filmes Infantis e quando acessar o Submenu FONTES lá estariam HD, DVD, 3D, Disney e todas as demais subpastas.
Será que funciona ?

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - samu-rai - 06/06/2013

(05/06/2013, 19:49)Marco Starling Wrote:  Boa Noite a todos.

Acho a idéia de clonar o Submenu pratica e eficiente. Concordo Plenamente.

Posso estar falando bobagem mas talvez uma idéia para solucionar o problema de quem personaliza demais os Submenus do modo que vi acima, seria inserir um submenu oficial chamado FONTES.
Assim sendo, bastaria cada um organizar seus filmes, ou seja lá o que for, em PASTAS separadas e inserir uma a uma como uma nova Fonte de arquivos.
Exemplo : Ao invés de colocar apenas uma pasta com filmes infantis, subdividi-la em pastas como, HD, DVD, 3D, Disney e o que mais interessar de subdivisão.
Criar um Menu com a Pasta Filmes Infantis e quando acessar o Submenu FONTES lá estariam HD, DVD, 3D, Disney e todas as demais subpastas.
Será que funciona ?

Hi Marco

I can see the logic in what you’re saying, but could you not just achieve the same thing through video playlists?

If the submenus are all going to be a clone of one another, then regardless of how you add them to the submenu (through sources or video playlists etc) you will still have the same issue of having movie categories showing on TV show buttons and vice versa, would you not?

Forgive me if I misunderstood what you are saying! :smilelegal

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - henricos - 06/06/2013


Lembrei de uma sugestão...

Normalmente nos menus horizontais o limite de caracteres para os textos dos itens de menu é pequeno. Por exemplo: "Filmes Infantis" que tem 15 caracteres não cabe no botão e fica com scroll ou cortado.

Seria possível que o tamanho dos botões fosse configurável para caber textos maiores? Em algumas skins temos uma opção de botão largo.

Ou então uma opção para diminuir a fonte?
