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Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - Printable Version

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RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - Marco Starling - 07/06/2013


No meu Post pode não ter ficado claro mas falo de duas coisas diferentes :

1- Concordo com a clonagem de submenus nas playlists. Ponto final !

2- Outro assunto (idéia/sugestão) : Criar um submenu chamado FONTES nos MENUS ( FILMES, SERIADOS, CONCERTOS, MUSICA ) Através deste Submenu você poderia acessar cada pasta que você inserisse como nova fonte separadamente para cada tipo de conteúdo. Hoje quase conseguimos isto acessando o submenu ARQUIVOS mas aí aparece tudo. O legal do submenu FONTES é que apareceriam apenas os arquivos (ou Pastas) que você inseriu para aquele tipo de Conteúdo.

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - tential - 09/06/2013

In Aeon MQ5 I would like view changing to work similar to how view changing in Ace currently works. I feel this is much easier to do, especially if you're only using a remote and not a mouse. I couldn't figure out how to change views easily for awhile in MQ4 since I don't use a mouse and keyboard when I use my XBMC but a remote instead.

Also, I know MQ# is different from Ace, but I feel we could get more advanced versions of the Glass view, and the Right List view. Both are amazing views, and with MQ5 I think they could be extended to allow more customization (perhaps letting people add genre, or year, or etc.)

Finally, and most important to me would be the addition of a toggle option in the Collection tab to allow IMDB ratings to be seen for all titles. I think this is pretty easy to do in Right List, and is already done in Wide, but with stars. I think it could also be added to Glass (assuming you add Glass or Right List into MQ5) as well. This is currently done in Aeon Nox and this is how the implementation looks in Low List:
[Image: KSHtiOW.jpg]
I'm hoping that an implementation in MQ5, combined with MQ5s customization ability (and even Ace's haha) would be great!

Thanks a lot for your time and the great skin. I'm loving Ace currently so fast and so pretty! Works great on my laptop!

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - samu-rai - 10/06/2013

A few more suggestions from

dugan26 says:

Quote:What would be cool is if you were able to add not only individual Favorites but the whole favorites category on the main menu - then when you go into it you see all the individual things you have marked as fav.

You kind of have this in MQ3 - not in the main menu but under the sub menus - I dont think there is a way to do this in MQ4 - would be great to get it back and enhanced as described above.

Ashaneil and tesona1977 say:

Quote:Tutotrial or documentation on what the new features are and how to take advantage of them would be fantastic. Going through few hundred page forum post is not fun.

Quote:good idea...

something like these aeon-nox tutorials by fiona -

st graveyard says:

Quote:Another little request. In the pictures and videos/home videos section some statistics, like how many pictures/items in folder, how many home videos/items ... don't know if it is possible, but it would be cool.

Corpgator says (this was also requested above):

Quote:How about support for an intro movie ie when you start XBMC you can have a movie that you created play before you actually go into any menus.


I would be happy to offer to make some tutorial videos (prehaps with the help of wanilton?) when the time comes.

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - samu-rai - 13/06/2013

bry- says:

Quote:possibly make some additional viewtypes available via the extended pack or something similar?

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - samu-rai - 18/06/2013

jerms415 says:

Quote:I'd like there to be some sort of a symbol on all collections, similar to the watched symbol, which will help me differentiate between movies and collections. Currently, the only way for me to tell if something is a movie or a collection is to actually highlight it with the cursor and read the title. Maybe the symbol should be a folder symbol or something, indicating that there is more stuff within it.

st graveyard says:

Quote:This is something I have asked MQ in the past years, maybe in MQ5 he can implement it.

Support for game logo's in MQ5 when using Rom Collection Browser, as well as game developer and publisher logo's (I know MQ4 supposedly supports this last thing, but no one seems to be able to do it;-) )

fnwc says:

Quote:Support for tags. And in a nicer way, similar to the way you add favorites (a context menu from the movie/show itself). They way the confluence does it is pretty bad, imho.

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - henricos - 18/06/2013


Uma ideia que não se se alguém já sugeriu antes ou se já existe em outra skin. Também não tenho acompanhado com muita frequência aqui, então se já falaram algo parecido, desconsiderem...

Poderíamos ter uma página configuração para cada vista. Não estou falando das opções que temos no menu superior, estou falando de uma página de configuração similar ao que temos para os itens de menu. Nessa página de configuração o usuário poderia definir qual informação estará disponível em diferentes locais da view.

Por exemplo:

Algumas pessoas preferem ver o ano e o diretor do filme enquanto outras preferem ver a nota e o gênero. Não tem como agradar a todos e se isso for algo configurável eu acredito vai ser muito útil.



RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - henricos - 21/06/2013


Me mais uma ideia que me ocorreu...

Quando temos mais de 200 filmes e usamos uma view onde os filmes ficam "em linha" é bastante demorado rolar entre um filme do começo da lista para um que está mais no final.

Seria possível ter algum tipo de atalho para pular vários filmes de uma vez?

- Pressionar uma tecla especial (que seria mapeada depois ao controle remoto), ou pressionar X vezes para a direção de rolagem da lista pularia 10 filmes (ou 20, ou 30, melhor ainda se for configurável!)
- Pressionar uma tecla especial e pularia para a próxima letra do alfabeto dos títulos


RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - MarcosQui - 22/06/2013

Para esse caso existe a barra de rolagem. :mostrandolingua

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - henricos - 24/06/2013

(22/06/2013, 08:34)MarcosQui Wrote:  Para esse caso existe a barra de rolagem. :mostrandolingua

Mas como eu aciono a barra com controle remoto (= teclado) ?

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - Wanilton - 24/06/2013

@henricos, seta abaixo uma vez estando com algum modo de vista que corra na horizontal ou seta para direita nos modos verticais, vai abrir uma barra de rolagem rápida.

[Image: dq55ZBM.jpg]

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - samu-rai - 24/06/2013

Ellisd25 says:


I have a 1080p projector and a 2:35.1 aspect ratio screen.


basically just set your HTPC to 1920x800 and then launch aeon mq4 and look at all the problems!

I THINK THIS COULD BE DONE! and it would save people 1000 dollars on the purchase of a video processor that changes aspect ratio's or a anmorphic lens which cost around 3000 dollars.

This would be a massive hit on the AVS Forums.

also a way to set profiles that could be switched with one button. I have to play with the "zoom" and the "pixel ratio" all the time to fill my 150 inch 2:35.1 screen.

three problems i noticed with my htpc set to: 1920x800 is the artist images in my music library are all rectangles instead of squares. I view my music library in file mode not library mode and on "wall" setting. I have 1 TB of music and it is by far not organized with music ID's.. Also the fanart and background images would have to have a compensation setting like fill,stretch,zoom,or something. just like in windows desktop settings. And last but not least the dvd covers go to more of a square shape. So if you fix those three things consider it done! BAM 2:35.1 mode! Or as i would call it CINEMASCOPE MODE=BEAST MODE. I think this would make aeon mq5 famous!

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - SavellM - 27/06/2013

My thoughts are this...
Spend more time on 1 skin and complete it in its entirety.

I have stopped using Aeon MQ and Ace purely as the TV shows section is left out and feels unfinished.

So for MQ 5, I would love to try it out.
But you need to incorporate all aspects of XBMC fully in your skin.
This 100% included TV PVR support.

My other thought is the skins reliability on other plugins.
You should try to make this as clean as possible without the use of other plugins.
As not 100% of every plugin works on every platform.
This will also add to your support if those plugins break or do something you dont expect.

And dammit writing all this I forgot my last point :(
If I remember I'll post it.

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - Wanilton - 29/06/2013

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - samu-rai - 01/07/2013

Dr230 says:


One thing that has restricted full integration for me, using XBMC and Aeon. Is the fact I have limited view options for images. Thumbnail previews are cropped unlike thumbnails created within something like the confluence skin. Where all thumbnails retain the complete image regardless..


piotrasd says:

Quote:make LiveTV support like in Anti2k Aeon-nox mod
please look

[Image: _pvr_infobar.jpg]
[Image: _pvr_timeline.png]
[Image: _pvr_epg_now.png]
[Image: _pvr_epg_next.png]
[Image: _pvr_channels_list.jpg]

RE: Aeon MQ 5 - Iniciando a construção - Wanilton - 01/07/2013

Skin Aeon MQ 5, disponível agora no google drive, para membros vips subscritos do fórum (doadores), igualmente o script para ter acesso ao extrapack da MQ5.

Skin está sendo desenvolvida para XBMC Frodo, para os membros que desejarem usar na Gotham, devem utilizar a versão customizada, disponibilizada também via google drive.

Skin Aeon MQ 5, available now, in google drive, only for vips with subscription(forum donors).

Skin Aeon MQ 5 availabe in google drive is for use with XBMC Frodo, for use in XBMC Gotham, please use XBMC Custom version, only need change language portuguese for your native language.