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Search Results
Another question: once created my Top 250 Playlist Kodi find all films about that list, but not in every films "Top 250 n° X" be showed. I link a foto to explain me better: https://i.imgur.com/ztj1GF...
Alcarimon Wrote: (13/04/2021, 18:28) -- Wanilton Wrote: (12/04/2021, 19:59) -- 2 ways, using smartplaylist creator (Kodi will create) or manually create an XSP file...and put the file in your userda...
Wanilton Wrote: (12/04/2021, 19:59) -- 2 ways, using smartplaylist creator (Kodi will create) or manually create an XSP file...and put the file in your userdata/playlists/video/top_250.xsp or any oth...
Wanilton Wrote: (12/04/2021, 19:59) -- 2 ways, using smartplaylist creator (Kodi will create) or manually create an XSP file...and put the file in your userdata/playlists/video/top_250.xsp or any oth...
Wanilton Wrote: (11/04/2021, 19:37) -- The smart playlist should look like this Top 250 all 0 250 top250 Of course, if you haven't scrapped the top 250 or set-up up your scraper for i...
Hi, in these days I tried to make a smart playlist.. I'd like to do top 250 imdb as preset in Kodi, but I can't be able to do it... I don't know why once I setted everything, the playlist shows all...
Dear Wanilton,  I really don't know why, I've tried to solve my Icons White Failed Installation as your suggest but nothing... everytimes I move myself on menu and I came back to the main menu, add...
Wanilton Wrote: (08/04/2020, 21:22) -- I think the best way is to get the zip file, unzip and overwrite manually. -- I don't understand... haven't I try to install from zip and stop... ? I 've to e...
Wanilton Wrote: (04/02/2020, 20:46) -- Get addon manually, extract and overwrite the previous... http://mirrors.xbmc.org/addons/leia/resource.images.studios.white/resource.images.studios.white-0.0...
Wanilton Wrote: (04/02/2020, 20:46) -- Get addon manually, extract and overwrite the previous... http://mirrors.xbmc.org/addons/leia/resource.images.studios.white/resource.images.studios.white-0.0...
Hi, Every 5 or 10 minutes Skin asks to update Withe Icons but when I confirm the update, after download it tell me Install failed! How can I solve it?  Tks Bye
I thought it... but I didn't want to believe that the problem was only that one  Now seems to work. As alway.... TKS Wanilton!!!
Hi, i’ve got a problem with video player. During video playing, player lose same frames. I don’t know why!!! I’ve installed a clean version (i uninstalled all of past kodi version and his folder) t...
Wanilton Wrote: (03/09/2019, 20:41) -- Here link to download https://files.xbmcbrasil.net/PluginsVideo/script.module.youtube.dl.zip -- Perfect!!! Really TKS As always! Bye! :ok:
Wanilton Wrote: (03/09/2019, 18:50) -- You need to update one module, I will share later.  -- :smilelegal: do you share it on google drive?  anyway... Really TKS!
Dear All good evening, i've a little problem with Widgets "Next Film": I can't watch trailer because Kodi after marks the buffering it tell me: "Error. no YouTube id found". So, I tried to downlo...
sorry... another little question: I've a file in two part. Cd1 e Cd2. How can I manage them on folder?? Tks
Dear all, I've some problem to manage the Concert Menu: I already know to organize the menu of MOVIE or TV SERIES (add source--> every movie in different folder--> every file with "nameofmovie.BluR...
Hi, I'd like to change my actually Kodi preferences: at the moment I have Kodi Kripton with external 4K player (mpc) and too mach settings with LAVfilter. So, i'd like to use Leila version RC3 with...