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Search Results
Dear Tales, I just heard the terrible news of your father having passed away. It is indeed very sad. Our relationship was built  over Kodi, but I feel as a good friend and helper has gone on to be in...
Hello Tales. Can you please post some news on your father if he is better. Thanks
Hello Tales. I do hope and pray that your father gets well and recovers all his faculties at the earliest. In God's hands nothing is impossible and prayer will positively lead to a recovery. His dedi...
R.O.N.A.L.D.O Wrote: (19/12/2023, 10:20) -- The news I recently heard is that his health has worsened, which is not good, unfortunately. -- That is sad indeed. I had thought that after his tumour r...
I installed this HDR version. Thanks a lot. It is working very smoothly and fine on all my 3 installations. But my Artwork Fanart does nor rotate. Have tried everything recommended. I have three insta...
Wanilton Wrote: (17/07/2022, 14:10) -- New install available.. -- Hi. Request you to advise link to the latest install file of Fandangi HDR edition. Thanks a lot
Are there any special display or other hardware requirements to run KodiSetup-Matrix.19.5.HDR.12.06.2022.22.00.x64.dx tuareg Wrote: (25/06/2022, 04:29) -- KodiSetup-Matrix.19.5.HDR.12.06.2022.22.00....
Can I use "KodiSetup-Matrix.19.5.HDR.12.06.2022.22.00.x64.dx" over an earlier installation of MQ9 ver 1.3 and Kodi 10.4 or any other requirements
tuareg Wrote: (04/06/2015, 23:41) -- I am having the old problem again. Using Kodi 18.4 and MQ8 2.9 Movies are all arranged in separate folders and the extra fanart for each movie is in folder "extra...
I activated as above, but the fanart does not change on its own. I have the screenshots but can you tell me how to insert them in my reply. The insert image button above only refers to a site and doe...
Hi! I have 5 or more fanart images(backgrounds) stored for each movie in its respective folder. When I select any movie in kodi (skin of course MQ5) it shows me one of the fanart and movie info superi...
Senor Wanilton, please disregard my query above as I found the answer. All I had to do was scan the source items to the library, let Universal Scraper do its bit and everything seems setup.Thank you o...
Hi! I use XBMC Frodo and Yes I have skin widgets enabled and set to their default values. Also the 12 widgets are visible in movie and TV show screens but not in music. The widgets in skin settings a...
Thanks for the correction. My knowledge of Latin American languages is limited to the few words learnt for US Western movies and comics. One more request. My music submenu has appeared after the abov...
Thank you very much. Muchas Gracias. (I am in India and hope this stands for thank you very much).Now that the submenu is fine, I will wait till Marcos sorts out the playlist problem.Regards
My music submenu is empty. How can I revert it to its original default settings so that all music submenu items are visible when I press the down arrow. Submenus for Movies, TV shows etc are fine.INit...
That was a fast reply indeed. Thank you very much. However my Music Menu has no sub-menu. I wonder why? I basically wish to create a path to my existing m3U playlists.
Request guidance on how to make a smart audio playlist in MQ5. My Music heading in the home menu has no sub-menu for playlists