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Search Results
What I am looking for is where to edit the .xml file to make the background path the one I want instead of the "special://home/media/backgrounds/XXX/I am wanting to insert a URL at that spot, C:\Users...
My PC is in one room in basement and the tv is about 20 feet away. Too awkard to run HDMI to and bc of the run it would be like 50 feet against wall.I want to play Kodi on my PC with PIA on and stream...
Is there a way to get the library scanner (that adds movies / tv shows) to write a file into the folder of any movie / tv show it doesn't recognize?That way I could just look at the NAS drive and sear...
So I have deleted some items from my library and then ran the "Clean up library"After this the shows still show up in the video library until I try to to open one. Nothing shows up when I first open i...
I've been using Kodi addons for quite sometime usually watching tv shows only.  My internet is pretty good 100 mbps, kodi retropi gets about 20 to 40mbps, watching content at 480p max.  Buffering ta...
Olá a todos, Recentemente, observei que quando clico na tela principal para assistir aos programas de TV, há apenas uma lista de pastas (filmes, programas de TV, arquivos, listas de reprodução e compl...
Bom Dia, Por causa do Final Fantasy XV que suporta Dolby Atmos, no Windows 10 eu comprei o Dolby Atmos para Headphones e é incrível quando você joga o jogo. Facebook (https://downloader.vip/faceboo...