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Search Results
schumi2004 Wrote: (05/01/2013, 19:01) -- rog0003 Wrote: (05/01/2013, 17:48) -- MarcosQui Wrote: (05/01/2013, 15:26) -- I put a small fix for addon's fonts in fixes folder. Take a look if solve this...
MarcosQui Wrote: (05/01/2013, 15:26) -- I put a small fix for addon's fonts in fixes folder. Take a look if solve this issue. -- So I put the file in XBMC/media/fonts -- reset the skin and restarted ...
Thanks for the update. Looks good so far. I like the new views. Only issue for me is still the Channel Guide info in PsuedoTV.. Here's a screenshot if that helps. http://i.imgur.com/NiEPV.jpg
MarcosQui Wrote: (04/01/2013, 11:48) -- ok, the PVR window still needs tweaking, but it's much better in the next build. -- Thanks for the work. I'd love to make ACE my daily skin. It was just the Ep...
Anyone else use PseudoTV? For some reason with the latest version of ACE I can no longer see the text on the channel guide. Don't have this issue when using other skins.
Marcos/Wanilton, Great skin so far. Really appreciate all of your hard work. Didn't think I'd like anything more than MQ4 but I'm really enjoying the simple clean interface of ACE and it will defin...