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Problem InfoLabel "ListItem.Tag" not working
Smiley Sad 

Hello! Please be patient i'm german native speaker, english not the best. Also i'm reading lot in kodi brazil forum but usually not a forum poster.
I'm no coder, have no experience with anything, all i do is lots of hours try and error prinzip cause i'm huge fan of kodi.

I want to show movies with "Academy Award Best Picture" is showing an Oscar Statue Picture.
The Movies are tagged "award", the award.png Picture path is set, Code in the "Skin View.xml" is also set.

I tried all variations of the code line "<visible></visible>" (String conditions, brackets, spelling... tried all)
Definitely sure that this line is the only problem, in all variations i tried there are 2 resustls:
1) The award.png is shown i every Movie
2) The award.png is shown i no Movie

But the goal is to show the award.png only in tagged movies "award".
In the kodi developers guide under InfoLabels there is definitely a description that kodi Tags could be used as InfoLabel and could also set under a "visible" condition:-> "ListItem.Tag:Will return the name of the 'tag' this movie is part of."
But nothing works, please Help.

My Actual Code is:

<control type="image">

I think is more easy use smartplaylist, and create one new category in main menu, only with oscar items, based in our tags, will work great, after use features customize main menu for choice your background item.

isto fiz já tem um tempo, mas é uma solução

[Image: ucRJnUh.jpg]

Nova tag, nomeie como OSCAR, vai abrir uma lista com os seus filmes que estejam em modo coleção, selecione os filmes que ganharam o Oscar, e de um OK (seta para direita seguido de enter). Sim é um processo manual de seleção...

[Image: kkuu5bB.jpg]

[Image: EWaaMn9.jpg]

[Image: HtQ4eYa.jpg]

Tags funciona como campo extra que podes usar para filtrar conteúdos, o próximo passo após criar sua tag, é usar o editor de smartplaylist como na imagem abaixo

[Image: VPpl9Gs.jpg]

Agora basta ir na customização do menu principal, e usar o smarplaylist criando item no menu principal...

[Image: CRqY6h2.jpg]

Resultado final

[Image: xvbTJPg.png]

[Image: hTSjWCZ.jpg]

Para adicionar novos itens ou mesmo remover, vá no item Oscar no menu principal, submenu Tags de um enter

[Image: C1j80sn.jpg]

Ative o Menu de Contexto no item OSCAR, isto se faz pressionando letra C sobre o item Oscar, clique em Gerenciar, que vai encontrar Opção Adicionar ou Remover Filmes..

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Please do not PM me for support; use the forum instead

Media Brazil Forum Staff
KODI 21.0 Omega Custom / Skin Aeon MQ9-1.6.0-29 - 09.15.2023
Be Vip Plus, donate.
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Wanilton for this post:
  • chrissix

My intention is not functionality or useability, its more a "Design" and "Lookalike" thing for me!

It should be more an upgrade to Highlight the movies in my IMDB Top 250 View.

My Favourite View is RightList. That view is sooo indescribable nice so i decided to go in the .xml and spending lot of time to modify, fix and tweak some small things:
(I have no experience with coding, programming, script language, all o do is trial and error)

1) In the plot text the last line was cut off in a half.
2) For over 1000 000 Votes there was too less space that the votes was always in motion only by over 1000 000 votes.
3) Made the ClearArt and Logos a lot bigger.
4) I was missing a Flag to display the ImdbTop250 and added a code.
    The inner surface of the Top250.png was transparent white, so when the fanart was bright, i was difficult to read
    Modified the Top250.png inner Surface to 50% Transparent black and now look really nice!

Now the ImdbTop 250 are "graphical"  highlighted and now as an final additional upgrade want to highlight the Movies with best Picture in a graphical Way!

Have you a solution for my broken code line: "<visible>!String.Contains(Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItemTags),Award)</visible>"

My post was originally a lot of longer and huger, but clicked on a thing and all Text was gone. I'm a huge Fan of your work Wanilton and your Skin!
Spent a lot of time to know how your Skin is working and still much i dont understand! I have so much feedback, questions and requests...

Have to admit to date i spend no money to your great work! im just anoter poor college student of movie science...

The following Picture is a Screenshot of how it should approximately lookalike. And i know "design flavours" are difference^^

Have you a suggestion for the broken code line? "<visible></visible>"

[Image: sXcJ9sY.jpg]

Can you sent me a Adress for a Bitcoin Wallet?




[Image: generate_qrcode.php?q=1NfWmHduEFjoHPRFLz...4cmCswmZqr]

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Support the Media Brazil project. Make a donation or subscribe and become VIP - Access the exclusive features of the custom versions + access the VIP area of the forum.
Request more info via chat or private message.

Please do not PM me for support; use the forum instead

Media Brazil Forum Staff
KODI 21.0 Omega Custom / Skin Aeon MQ9-1.6.0-29 - 09.15.2023
Be Vip Plus, donate.
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Wanilton for this post:
  • chrissix

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