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Skin Aeon MQ 5 Frodo and Gotham
Sinal Aviso 

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The Default red font color Blood has some issues with tv's over 55" the color looks a bit degrades only shows up like that on the red colors all other colors are fine

Nice job so far

I tried mq5 for frodo first:

First look Impressions:

-Nice fast skin like ace
-Only one view mode so far? (list view)
-When i click to play music album, i cant stop it? Hard to find where to stop it (didnt find it either)
-Place widgets is much better !!!!!!

What are the + advantages for gotham build?
Sinal Aviso 

@clayboy for this reason we have a color selector. Each one use the best color for your taste.

@Skank thank you for comments.

For views, just follow the arrows:

Views tab, arrow up:
[Image: unhs.png]

Views selector, arrow up:
[Image: nvbp.png]

and voila:
[Image: btbg.png]

Media player controls remains to be done.

Gotham? Faster, 3D support and others improvements, but still alpha.

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Apoie o projeto MEDIA Brasil. Faça uma doação ou assine e torne-se Vip - Tenha acesso aos recursos exclusivos das versões customizadas + suporte remoto + acesso área vip do fórum.
Sinal Aviso 

Is it possible to....

- put the mediaflags in the low list view under the movie plot, like the MQ4 low list view?
- minimize the movie logo in the low list view?
- include the tv-show logos in seasons and episodes in the low list view?
- create a function for choosing how many movies appear in the low list because i would prefer more than five movies on bigger screens, like 60 inches TV?
- change (simplify) the "watched" label, e.g. just the red dot?
- fix the bug with shades in music visualisation?
- include a plot line like Aeon Nox in the low list view?

thanks in advance!
keep up the great work
Sinal Aviso 


- I'm using the view "right list" for movies. If I select the scrolling bar I'm unable to press left again to select a movie. The problem seems to be present when "low list" is deactivated.

- When I activate "wall 3D" the view replaces the fanart wallpaper in TV shows.
[Image: LPCBucu.jpg]


- I'm using the view "panel" with logos for my TV shows. One thing that struck me is that there's a lot of space between the logos. I assume that it's like this because the grid is designed for posters?
[Image: nq0Im4P.jpg]

If you were to reduce that space wouldn't you be able to fit a fourth row into this view? If I remember correctly you had a view called "panel logo" in MQ4 with a grid designed for logos and clearart.
Sinal Aviso 

Em fullscreen de Músicas (imagem abaixo), notei que as artes do cd, da forma como estão (capa e disco), centralizados, é mostrado um corte brusco, exibindo um acabamento de visual estranho.
Será que se as artes fossem justificadas à direita o layout não poderia ficar mais bonito? Penso que ainda se no centro não haja nada, vazio mesmo, ainda ficaria melhor, mas claro, de repente pode não ficar como penso.
Seria válido experimentar a alteração?

[Image: HRxjQoC.jpg]

Até tentei alterar a transparência no intuito de 'esconder' o corte brusco mas não resolveu.

Resolvido, desculpe minha falha....

O Wanilton me mostrou o erro de minha parte ao setar erroneamente o addon Artist Slidwshow. O que eu pedia nesse post já existe, conforme imagem abaixo.


[Image: ZcTZ55q.jpg]

@"Gato Guga", sua imagem mostra que seu artist slideshow, precisa de ajustes, sugiro que verifique.

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Media Brazil Forum Staff
KODI 21.0 Omega Custom / Skin Aeon MQ9-1.6.0-29 - 09.15.2023
Be Vip Plus, donate.

Brigadão, Wanilton.
Já corrigido. Foi erro total meu.

@Marc Heinrich, I have no intention of making changes to the layout of the LowList view. Everything that has been done so far has gone through many changes until users say: "now is ok." Change again it is somewhat complicated.

For the label is seen the same situation, several changes were necessary until users accept the current model..

@Sebastian Borg, I'll fix the layout to better accommodate logos.

@Gato Guga, quando não há imagem do slideshow a mobília é jogada para o lado afim de não ficar um espaço vazio, nada de errado, mas no lado direito o fundo degradê deve continuar presente para dar acabamento, então você não está errado em reportar, eu vou corrigir isso.

@all, thank you for reporting small bugs, all this is being fixed for Beta 2, available soon.

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Apoie o projeto MEDIA Brasil. Faça uma doação ou assine e torne-se Vip - Tenha acesso aos recursos exclusivos das versões customizadas + suporte remoto + acesso área vip do fórum.
Sinal Aviso 

@all, I have included addon ExtraPack Aeon MQ 5 on the Google Drive folder. Now everyone can have access to extra content.

@todos, eu inclui na pasta do Google Drive o addon ExtraPack da Aeon MQ 5. Agora todos podem ter acesso ao conteúdo extra.

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Apoie o projeto MEDIA Brasil. Faça uma doação ou assine e torne-se Vip - Tenha acesso aos recursos exclusivos das versões customizadas + suporte remoto + acesso área vip do fórum.

Ok gonna try everything, including extras
The new info screen is better imo

One thing though, how do i stop the music playing when on main screen? Cant find any buttons..
Sinal Aviso 

(06/08/2013, 09:52)MarcosQui Wrote:  Media player controls remains to be done.

That is, it will still be built, or you can press M using the keyboard.

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Apoie o projeto MEDIA Brasil. Faça uma doação ou assine e torne-se Vip - Tenha acesso aos recursos exclusivos das versões customizadas + suporte remoto + acesso área vip do fórum.

Just tried extra pack..
I installed in xbmc by selecting install by zip

It says installed but idont get extra styles or genre icons etc etc..
Whats wrong?

I saw this too, not sure if its aeon mq5 or xbmc bug, but movie covers in widget arent all equal big

[Image: ke0o.jpg]

I tried different views and now indeed i found them! Thx
Sinal Aviso 

@Skank, need run script, in skin settings, for get extrapack files.

[Image: koCp4C5.jpg]

About widgets, you have posters with various sizes, for me I have all 1000x1500 and show perfectly.

Apoie o projeto MEDIA Brasil. Faça uma doação ou assine e torne-se Vip - Tenha acesso aos recursos exclusivos das versões customizadas + acesso área vip do fórum.  
Support the Media Brazil project. Make a donation or subscribe and become VIP - Access the exclusive features of the custom versions + access the VIP area of the forum.
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Please do not PM me for support; use the forum instead

Media Brazil Forum Staff
KODI 21.0 Omega Custom / Skin Aeon MQ9-1.6.0-29 - 09.15.2023
Be Vip Plus, donate.

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