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How Does XBMC Handle 3D Movies In Library?
Sinal Aviso 

How does xbmc (gotham) handle 3D movies?
I mean concerning libraries..
Or is this skin dependant?

Is there a way to easily filter 3D movies out of the other movies in library?
Do they get some "mark" or something?

And what if I have 2 files for the same movie, one in 3D and one for 2D HD, is there a way to have them both under the same movie poster and XBMC asks me which version to play when I play the movie? instead of having a duplicate posters one of 3D and one for HD

@Skank, well XBMC gotham have support 3D SBS and TAB, for correct cover, need only have 3dbd word in file name, example avatar.3dbd.mkv.

For filter I think is better put 3d contents, in separate folder, and filter for path using smartplaylist, I don´t think it´s possible have only one item for 2 types files in collection, in this normal situation you have one for 2D and other item for 3D.

Other flags available for xbmc auto recognize 3d format when press play

m_stereoscopicflags_tab = "3DTAB|3D.TAB|HTAB|H.TAB|3DOU|3D.OU|3D.HOU| HOU | OU |HALF-TAB";

You can also define your own flags in advancedsettings.xml file.

Another option is to specify the 3D mode in the mkv header itself.

Then in xbmc system > settings > video output > set preferred stereoscopic mode to sbs or ou or same as movie.

In settings > video> playback > playback mode of stereoscopic files > preferred mode.

Now when you click a 3d file the gui will automatically switch to 3d mode.

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Media Brazil Forum Staff
KODI 21.0 Omega Custom / Skin Aeon MQ9-1.6.0-29 - 09.15.2023
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I have set up my 3d movies in seperate map called "3D movies"
Doest the file names, still have to contain 3Dbd then?

I dont use playlists... I cant filter them out then?

Say only with 3D logos?

Inside aeon mq5 i dont use cases... is it still obvious then which are 3D ?
Sinal Aviso 

If you don´t use case, don´t need 3dbd in filename.

For separate 3d contents,use video nodes, tags, favorites or use smarplaylist.

Skin Aeon MQ 5, have 3D flag for indicate 3D content, no need case, for playing XBMC auto recognize if you have correct flag in filename.

[Image: jfFNzGx.jpg]

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Media Brazil Forum Staff
KODI 21.0 Omega Custom / Skin Aeon MQ9-1.6.0-29 - 09.15.2023
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Estou usando o Gotham com MQ5 skin ....olhando a imagem que postou acima tenho 2 perguntas:
1-Já nomeei os filmes 3D como vc menciona e estão todos em uma pasta que chama de 3D. Porem o Box (Case) não reconhece como 3D. O que esta errado.

2-Como faco para navegar na minha coleção como esta ai acima na horizontal ao invés de Vertical?



1. Precisa nomear como .3dbd. para que funcione, e precisa reincluir os itens no banco de dados, não adianta só alterar o nome do arquivo em si, ele precisa ser reescaneado.

2. Veja o vídeo tutorial, sobre como alternar modos de vista.


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Media Brazil Forum Staff
KODI 21.0 Omega Custom / Skin Aeon MQ9-1.6.0-29 - 09.15.2023
Be Vip Plus, donate.

1- Renomei os nomes do arquivo como vc disse e nada. Fiz com por ex.:
47 Ronim Como 47 Ronim.3dbd. / 47 Ronim.3dbd / 47 Ronim.H-SBS / 47 Ronim.3dbd.mvk
47 Ronim - 3D....
E nada alguma ideia por que nao esta dando certo??:adoravel

2-Deu certo show de bola, obrigado!:ok

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