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Skin Aeon MQ 5 Frodo and Gotham

:) valeu @Wanilton !

Enviado de meu GT-I9070 usando Tapatalk 4

Agradeça ao @MarcosQui, só postei porque nesta troca de servidor, complicou o meio de campo.

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Media Brazil Forum Staff
KODI 21.0 Omega Custom / Skin Aeon MQ9-1.6.0-29 - 09.15.2023
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Some idea.
I talked about it with Wanilton.

We should be able to tell the difference between non 3D movies and 3D movies, even when we dont use "cases"

Today only covers indicate content is 3D

Is it possible to add some sort of icon to the top left or right corner of a movie cover without case?

So we can tell on sight, which are 3d and which are not, even when we dont use cases.


I think I may have found a bug.

When in the screen to enable views, if you press the right arrow (and possibly the left) the system freezes.

@Samu-rai I made a small change to prevent this. Available in Beta 4, in closed area, on next week. Wait please.

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The grid option in wallview doesn't work for music.
In .xml, all the Size are 106*106 for the 3 options.

THX for your work. Really love this skin
Sinal Aviso 

(23/08/2013, 14:02)Skank Wrote:  Marcos,

Some idea.
I talked about it with Wanilton.

We should be able to tell the difference between non 3D movies and 3D movies, even when we dont use "cases"

Today only covers indicate content is 3D

Is it possible to add some sort of icon to the top left or right corner of a movie cover without case?

So we can tell on sight, which are 3d and which are not, even when we dont use cases.


Marcos any comments if this is possible?
I know that there is already a flag picture for example when you use a view and you highlight a 3d movie, but it should always be visible and not only with a selected 3d movie

So for example if i use the "wall view" , it should be recognizeble with all 3d movies, not just when one is selected/focused on

How about searching for the answer in your own topic? :questionar


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The answer isnt there...
I think you dont understand my question...

The answer there says that there is a 3d flag but only in view and when you select a certain 3d movie
This shows only for 1 movie

What i would like is that when i look at for ex wall view, i can immeadiately see which are 3D movies at once, not just one... when im focused on it.

And this without using cases...

Maybe some sort of small logo in the corner over the existing cover....

The case exists for this is, without a cases, unresolved, I'm sorry.

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Damn :(
What a pity
Sinal Aviso 


I am loving the skin, great job. My only feature request is for the ability to use tvtunes in solo mode for downloading themes.

Usually I run tvtunes when I add a new show to my collection. When your collection includes hundreds of shows and many don't have a theme song it takes a long time to go through the search for all tv shows as it attempts to search for those shows that you know it won't find.

It would be great to be able to just search for the one show and save all that time.

According to the tvtunes developer on the tvtunes thread at xbmc.org, this can be implemented.

"for solo mode, you can add a button on dialogvideoinfo.xml with this:

<onclick>XBMC.RunScript(script.tvtunes,mode=solo&amp;tvpath=$INFO[ListItem.FilenameAndPath]&amp;tvname=$INFO[ListItem.TVShowTitle])</onclick> "

An example of the implementation is in Aeon Nox where the option is available in the information screen for the show, but I assume it could be done in MQ5 the same way Artwork Downloader solo mode is currently implemented.

I like the idea of solo mode for TV tunes above.

I think I may have found another bug. I'm not sure if it persists in all views, or if it shows in movies too. (I didn’t have time to check last night).

The info panel on showart in the TV show library shows ‘Paramount’ at the end of each studio.

For example ‘HBOParamount’ and ‘ABCParamount’.

Prehaps this is just an issue on my system. Could someone else confirm?

Also, thank you for including the option for logos instead of titles, I think it looks great. Another small idea would be to have an option to enable or disable the tagline of a movie depending on the users preference.

Finally, is the script.extendedinfo planned to be included within the extrapack?

@rcloud I'll check your request soon.

@Samu-rai studio's information comes from database. The skin only put on screen.

The script.extendedinfo is not of my, so I'm not allowed to include it in my package. I would like to do this however ....

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The skin already have the option to solo mode for TVtunes, just click the EXECUTE TV TUNES.

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