Skin Ace 0.3.0 already available in Google Drive.
- Poster view for audio and video
- LowList view for audio and video.
- Window for favorites and file manager ok.
- Dialog TV with several fixes.
- Weather Window with several fixes and improvements.
- Customization of OSDs improved.
- New viewtypes selector.
- Inclusion of the watched flag and scroll bar.
- Inclusion of lyrics in karaoke mode. (enabled in the OSD menu)
- Lyrics activated by default.
- Culrclyrics script is automatically installed and set by default.
- Wall view for audio and video.
- Option to hide the media flags.
- Option to hide the information bar at the bottom of the collections.
- Several minor fixes.
You must reset the skin after the update.
I recommend using Frodo RC3.
- Poster view for audio and video
- LowList view for audio and video.
- Window for favorites and file manager ok.
- Dialog TV with several fixes.
- Weather Window with several fixes and improvements.
- Customization of OSDs improved.
- New viewtypes selector.
- Inclusion of the watched flag and scroll bar.
- Inclusion of lyrics in karaoke mode. (enabled in the OSD menu)
- Lyrics activated by default.
- Culrclyrics script is automatically installed and set by default.
- Wall view for audio and video.
- Option to hide the media flags.
- Option to hide the information bar at the bottom of the collections.
- Several minor fixes.
You must reset the skin after the update.
I recommend using Frodo RC3.
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