Implementado em nosso fórum referências rápidas, que vai servir para apontar tópicos relacionados de maneira bem simples, basta usar uma hashtag # seguido dos títulos que estarão disponíveis em uma caixa popup.
Today was implement in our forum, quick references - It´s a simple which lets you reference to other threads quickly using their identifiers. A dropdown list will be generated everytime your users type an hashtag (#) followed by the threads name they want to search for. The dropdown is attached to textareas and MyBB's editor when you post a new thread, new reply, edit a post, perform a quick reply and perform a quick edit (basically, everywhere it is most useful).
Today was implement in our forum, quick references - It´s a simple which lets you reference to other threads quickly using their identifiers. A dropdown list will be generated everytime your users type an hashtag (#) followed by the threads name they want to search for. The dropdown is attached to textareas and MyBB's editor when you post a new thread, new reply, edit a post, perform a quick reply and perform a quick edit (basically, everywhere it is most useful).
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Media Brazil Forum Staff
KODI 21.0 Omega Custom / Skin Aeon MQ9-1.6.0-29 - 09.15.2023
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