What I am looking for is where to edit the .xml file to make the background path the one I want instead of the "special://home/media/backgrounds/XXX/I am wanting to insert a URL at that spot, C:\Users\Me\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\addon_data\skin.aeon.nox.silvo\settings.xml doc where I found changes after I put in one picture but it made no difference when I restarted my Kodi.This is what I put into the settings.xml but with a working url:
Would someone please point me to the right direction on what I need to edit?
<setting id="Enable.Wall.FloorInfo.programs" type="bool">false</setting>
<setting id="skinshortcuts-background-r/http://www.mywebhostingplace.com/folder_for_backgrounds/favorites/" type="bool">true</setting>
<setting id="Enable.Showcase.SeasonGenre" type="bool">false</setting>