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[Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users

Boa noite a todos.

 Primeiramente gostaria de parabenizar Wanilton e MarcosQui, pelo exelente trabalho realizado, é muito impressionante mesmo.

Agora peco humildimente a ajuda de vcs, pois sou um novato no kodi e estou lendo a finco os tutoriais e posts afim de me aprofundar no assunto.

Estou testando o Kodi 18.2 +MQ8 em um raspiberry 3 B+ com LibreElec.  agora as duvidas
1. Na Skin Há um pacote de addons a ser instalado, mas o Netflix nao instala
2. Nao consigo abrir o menu de contexto pelo controle remoto da tv (ha alguma especie de configuração a ser realizada)
3. Tentei baixar as informações dos filmes e series, mas alguns episodios da mesma serie fica como se pertencesse a outra serie e me mostra as informações erradas, (como corrijo isto - apagando as informaçoes erradas e colocando as certas)
4. Para deixar as informaçoes da midia junto com os arquivos eu ainda utilizo o Ember? Pois só encontro informações sobre ele em posts mais antigos.

Ja agradeço a quem puder me dar uma luz, como novato mas entusiasta por tecnologia e afins, nao me canso de aprender e passar pra frente oq me ensinaram. 


Messages In This Thread
[Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by MarcosQui - 28/02/2019, 21:08
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 28/02/2019, 21:12
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Alienmoon - 19/03/2019, 14:14
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by defleppard - 01/03/2019, 01:22
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Diodato - 01/03/2019, 04:43
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Diaduman - 01/03/2019, 06:44
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Laurent Thibaudet - 01/03/2019, 09:51
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Jeff - 01/03/2019, 11:30
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by daniko - 01/03/2019, 12:40
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Roberto Formiconi - 01/03/2019, 14:19
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by kodilady - 01/03/2019, 15:47
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 01/03/2019, 15:58
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by kodilady - 04/03/2019, 22:18
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Mak_75 - 01/03/2019, 16:19
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Bilal Zaoujal - 01/03/2019, 20:52
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by ewaterke - 01/03/2019, 21:45
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 01/03/2019, 21:51
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by wacko37 - 02/03/2019, 01:26
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 02/03/2019, 01:34
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Diaduman - 02/03/2019, 08:33
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by wacko37 - 02/03/2019, 01:57
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Kipawa - 02/03/2019, 09:10
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 02/03/2019, 09:38
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Amjak - 02/03/2019, 10:06
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Mak_75 - 02/03/2019, 10:35
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Ninn - 02/03/2019, 11:20
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by theenhancer - 02/03/2019, 11:43
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by JoopL - 02/03/2019, 11:53
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by wags1 - 02/03/2019, 13:26
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thiagaobrandao - 02/03/2019, 13:30
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Davide Benatti - 02/03/2019, 14:19
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Johnny569 - 02/03/2019, 20:07
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 02/03/2019, 20:25
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 02/03/2019, 20:27
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Johnny569 - 03/03/2019, 23:28
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by vtx106 - 02/03/2019, 23:39
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Pierre-Luc Filiatrault - 02/03/2019, 23:42
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Mak_75 - 03/03/2019, 06:13
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 03/03/2019, 07:24
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 03/03/2019, 07:27
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 03/03/2019, 07:34
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 03/03/2019, 07:36
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Roberto Formiconi - 03/03/2019, 08:04
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 03/03/2019, 08:08
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by kperi - 03/03/2019, 08:26
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Ehduard Priutesa - 03/03/2019, 09:07
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by snakedoc - 03/03/2019, 14:14
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Davide Benatti - 03/03/2019, 16:39
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 03/03/2019, 16:58
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by snakedoc - 04/03/2019, 06:21
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by sito1961 - 04/03/2019, 06:53
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 04/03/2019, 09:29
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by DMD - 04/03/2019, 10:30
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 04/03/2019, 10:58
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by snakedoc - 04/03/2019, 11:02
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by KmL63 - 04/03/2019, 13:18
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by snakedoc - 06/03/2019, 11:20
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 06/03/2019, 11:32
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Mak_75 - 07/03/2019, 04:06
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by snakedoc - 06/03/2019, 12:37
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Keeno1008 - 06/03/2019, 21:15
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 06/03/2019, 21:26
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by INKONITO - 07/03/2019, 10:51
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by snakedoc - 07/03/2019, 11:22
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 07/03/2019, 22:47
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 07/03/2019, 22:50
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 09/03/2019, 12:36
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Mak_75 - 09/03/2019, 14:27
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by wags1 - 09/03/2019, 13:56
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 09/03/2019, 14:07
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by a_D_twomey - 10/03/2019, 02:56
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Oema - 20/03/2019, 14:11
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 20/03/2019, 16:10
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Oema - 26/03/2019, 14:54
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 22/03/2019, 06:27
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 22/03/2019, 07:43
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 22/03/2019, 08:02
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 22/03/2019, 08:26
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 22/03/2019, 08:40
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 22/03/2019, 09:27
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 22/03/2019, 09:39
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 22/03/2019, 12:49
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Diaduman - 25/03/2019, 06:42
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 22/03/2019, 13:05
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 22/03/2019, 13:44
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 22/03/2019, 14:29
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by User 10691 - 22/03/2019, 19:23
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 22/03/2019, 22:44
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by User 10691 - 23/03/2019, 11:41
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 23/03/2019, 11:47
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by User 10691 - 23/03/2019, 14:50
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 23/03/2019, 15:02
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 23/03/2019, 17:13
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 23/03/2019, 19:33
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Diaduman - 24/03/2019, 16:12
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 23/03/2019, 20:05
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 23/03/2019, 20:24
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 24/03/2019, 16:38
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Tromproject - 24/03/2019, 18:32
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 24/03/2019, 19:12
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Tromproject - 25/03/2019, 04:39
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 25/03/2019, 07:59
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Diaduman - 25/03/2019, 09:09
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Gilogo - 30/03/2019, 18:35
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 30/03/2019, 19:32
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Gilogo - 02/04/2019, 00:44
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by kokobsb - 31/03/2019, 19:51
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 31/03/2019, 20:06
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by kokobsb - 31/03/2019, 21:13
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 31/03/2019, 21:20
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by kokobsb - 31/03/2019, 21:31
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 31/03/2019, 21:40
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Gilogo - 02/04/2019, 00:52
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Oema - 03/04/2019, 17:36
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Holzfred - 06/04/2019, 05:12
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 06/04/2019, 17:53
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Oema - 09/04/2019, 15:29
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 06/04/2019, 17:54
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Holzfred - 07/04/2019, 17:07
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Holzfred - 14/04/2019, 15:34
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by MarcosQui - 07/04/2019, 18:36
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Holzfred - 08/04/2019, 04:23
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 08/04/2019, 08:37
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 08/04/2019, 14:15
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 08/04/2019, 14:23
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 08/04/2019, 14:34
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 08/04/2019, 16:49
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 09/04/2019, 12:15
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 09/04/2019, 13:15
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 10/04/2019, 13:32
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 14/04/2019, 15:57
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Holzfred - 14/04/2019, 17:13
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by snakedoc - 02/05/2019, 13:51
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 02/05/2019, 19:45
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by mvlc - 05/05/2019, 03:02
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Oema - 05/05/2019, 18:57
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by adidas - 11/05/2019, 02:48
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by adidas - 19/06/2019, 11:12
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 11/05/2019, 05:41
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 11/05/2019, 11:38
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 11/05/2019, 17:50
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 11/05/2019, 18:13
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 12/05/2019, 05:41
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 25/05/2019, 21:09
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by kodibob - 17/05/2019, 07:21
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 17/05/2019, 11:11
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by kodibob - 17/05/2019, 14:38
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by kodibob - 17/05/2019, 14:46
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 18/05/2019, 13:09
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by allpro - 20/05/2019, 08:08
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 20/05/2019, 22:58
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by rossi29 - 21/05/2019, 09:01
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 21/05/2019, 11:43
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by rossi29 - 21/05/2019, 13:22
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 25/05/2019, 11:30
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by rossi29 - 26/05/2019, 08:08
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by latioboy - 25/05/2019, 13:00
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 25/05/2019, 13:25
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by latioboy - 25/05/2019, 14:45
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 25/05/2019, 15:12
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by latioboy - 25/05/2019, 15:17
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 26/05/2019, 12:32
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by rossi29 - 27/05/2019, 07:41
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Jefferson.rbt - 01/06/2019, 22:49
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 02/06/2019, 00:23
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Jefferson.rbt - 03/06/2019, 17:37
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Tromproject - 03/06/2019, 23:43
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 04/06/2019, 23:49
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Tromproject - 05/06/2019, 02:48
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Coco27 - 06/06/2019, 13:11
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 06/06/2019, 16:00
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Coco27 - 06/06/2019, 16:20
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Jefferson.rbt - 06/06/2019, 16:25
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Coco27 - 06/06/2019, 16:35
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 06/06/2019, 16:32
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Jefferson.rbt - 06/06/2019, 16:46
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 22/06/2019, 12:16
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Binnugsay - 24/06/2019, 17:23
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 24/06/2019, 22:08
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Oema - 01/07/2019, 13:23
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by edjalmo - 01/08/2019, 16:12
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 01/08/2019, 17:17
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by plop098 - 02/08/2019, 10:35
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 02/08/2019, 10:41
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by MANswers - 05/08/2019, 22:58
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 05/08/2019, 23:11
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by daedj - 19/08/2019, 21:31
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 19/08/2019, 23:50
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by mjnman - 28/08/2019, 12:44
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 29/08/2019, 22:43
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by latioboy - 13/09/2019, 08:27
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 13/09/2019, 08:56
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by latioboy - 13/09/2019, 09:11
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 13/09/2019, 13:53
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by REAPER OF HELL - 19/09/2019, 01:40
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 19/09/2019, 14:30
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by REAPER OF HELL - 21/09/2019, 19:27
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Johnny569 - 01/10/2019, 23:12
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 01/10/2019, 23:19
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Johnny569 - 02/10/2019, 23:31
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Johnny569 - 06/10/2019, 23:55
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Gerry - 05/11/2019, 08:30
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 06/11/2019, 14:46
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by latioboy - 06/11/2019, 18:11
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by latioboy - 07/11/2019, 14:23
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 07/11/2019, 18:30
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by latioboy - 08/11/2019, 08:41
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 08/11/2019, 12:18
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Mak_75 - 15/12/2019, 08:16
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 15/12/2019, 10:39
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Mak_75 - 15/12/2019, 11:29
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 22/12/2019, 11:44
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by G.R.3.3.D - 27/12/2019, 08:45
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 30/12/2019, 21:40
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Coco27 - 01/04/2020, 05:05
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 05/04/2020, 10:49
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 17/05/2020, 15:35
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 17/05/2020, 17:25
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 18/05/2020, 11:38
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 18/05/2020, 12:00
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 18/05/2020, 12:02
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 18/05/2020, 14:43
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 18/05/2020, 14:45
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 18/05/2020, 15:35
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 19/05/2020, 03:13
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by KmL63 - 15/08/2020, 11:06
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 15/08/2020, 22:53
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Msdarkdiva - 14/10/2020, 19:13
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 14/10/2020, 23:19
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Msdarkdiva - 17/10/2020, 17:05
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 18/10/2020, 16:49
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Coco27 - 29/12/2020, 06:13
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Mak_75 - 27/03/2021, 07:14
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 27/03/2021, 09:04
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Mak_75 - 29/03/2021, 07:39
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 29/03/2021, 09:11
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Vasco Costa - 03/04/2021, 08:33
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 03/04/2021, 13:59
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Vasco Costa - 18/04/2021, 17:44
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Ehduard Priutesa - 11/04/2021, 05:49
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 18/04/2021, 18:02
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Vasco Costa - 18/06/2021, 18:03
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 18/06/2021, 19:13
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Vasco Costa - 20/06/2021, 03:05

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