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[Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users

(02/06/2019, 00:23)Wanilton Wrote:  @Jefferson.rbt, obrigado.

1. Preciso que me diga quais add-os exatamente, a skin precisa de alguns add-ons (encontra uma lista dos necessários nos ajustes da skin).
2  No controle remoto, pressione menu, deve resolver. No teclado, letra C para abrir menu de contexto.
3  Pressione i, no item, vai abrir info de vídeo, lá vai encontrar a opção Recarregar, que permite scrapear o item novamente e acertar para o seriado/episódio correto.
4  Existem outros programas, como emby, mediaelch, media companion. Existem outros, mas estes atendem perfeitamente.

Oi mais uma vez caro @Wanilton 
1. Fui em ajuste da skin/add-ons/"instalar todos os add-ons agora" porem o Netflix nao instala
2. No controle remoto da TV ja apertei todos os botoes mas nao consigo utilizar o menu de contexto por ele (por isso achei que era necessario algum tipo de configuraçao para utilização) (TV LG 32LY340C).
3. A questao dos seriados, refiz o procedimento que me instruiu, porem agora ele nao aparecer mais na galeria, mas atravez do submenu /arquivo eu consigo ver que estao la,porem na galeria é como se nao estivessem, inclusive alguns filmes que nao estao mais na bibilioteca ainda aparecem.
4. Com relacao aos Metadados das midias, ainda estou tentando aprender como se faz nos tutoriais.

Mais uma vez Obrigado.

Messages In This Thread
[Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by MarcosQui - 28/02/2019, 21:08
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 28/02/2019, 21:12
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Alienmoon - 19/03/2019, 14:14
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by defleppard - 01/03/2019, 01:22
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Diodato - 01/03/2019, 04:43
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Diaduman - 01/03/2019, 06:44
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Laurent Thibaudet - 01/03/2019, 09:51
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Jeff - 01/03/2019, 11:30
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by daniko - 01/03/2019, 12:40
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Roberto Formiconi - 01/03/2019, 14:19
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by kodilady - 01/03/2019, 15:47
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 01/03/2019, 15:58
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by kodilady - 04/03/2019, 22:18
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Mak_75 - 01/03/2019, 16:19
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Bilal Zaoujal - 01/03/2019, 20:52
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by ewaterke - 01/03/2019, 21:45
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 01/03/2019, 21:51
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by wacko37 - 02/03/2019, 01:26
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 02/03/2019, 01:34
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Diaduman - 02/03/2019, 08:33
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by wacko37 - 02/03/2019, 01:57
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Kipawa - 02/03/2019, 09:10
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 02/03/2019, 09:38
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Amjak - 02/03/2019, 10:06
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Mak_75 - 02/03/2019, 10:35
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Ninn - 02/03/2019, 11:20
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by theenhancer - 02/03/2019, 11:43
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by JoopL - 02/03/2019, 11:53
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by wags1 - 02/03/2019, 13:26
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thiagaobrandao - 02/03/2019, 13:30
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.7.5 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Davide Benatti - 02/03/2019, 14:19
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Johnny569 - 02/03/2019, 20:07
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 02/03/2019, 20:25
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 02/03/2019, 20:27
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Johnny569 - 03/03/2019, 23:28
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by vtx106 - 02/03/2019, 23:39
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Pierre-Luc Filiatrault - 02/03/2019, 23:42
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Mak_75 - 03/03/2019, 06:13
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 03/03/2019, 07:24
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 03/03/2019, 07:27
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 03/03/2019, 07:34
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 03/03/2019, 07:36
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Roberto Formiconi - 03/03/2019, 08:04
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 03/03/2019, 08:08
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by kperi - 03/03/2019, 08:26
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Ehduard Priutesa - 03/03/2019, 09:07
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by snakedoc - 03/03/2019, 14:14
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Davide Benatti - 03/03/2019, 16:39
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 03/03/2019, 16:58
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by snakedoc - 04/03/2019, 06:21
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by sito1961 - 04/03/2019, 06:53
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 04/03/2019, 09:29
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by DMD - 04/03/2019, 10:30
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 04/03/2019, 10:58
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by snakedoc - 04/03/2019, 11:02
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by KmL63 - 04/03/2019, 13:18
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by snakedoc - 06/03/2019, 11:20
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 06/03/2019, 11:32
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Mak_75 - 07/03/2019, 04:06
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by snakedoc - 06/03/2019, 12:37
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Keeno1008 - 06/03/2019, 21:15
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 06/03/2019, 21:26
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by INKONITO - 07/03/2019, 10:51
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by snakedoc - 07/03/2019, 11:22
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 07/03/2019, 22:47
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 07/03/2019, 22:50
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 09/03/2019, 12:36
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Mak_75 - 09/03/2019, 14:27
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by wags1 - 09/03/2019, 13:56
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 09/03/2019, 14:07
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by a_D_twomey - 10/03/2019, 02:56
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Oema - 20/03/2019, 14:11
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 20/03/2019, 16:10
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Oema - 26/03/2019, 14:54
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 22/03/2019, 06:27
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 22/03/2019, 07:43
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 22/03/2019, 08:02
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 22/03/2019, 08:26
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 22/03/2019, 08:40
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 22/03/2019, 09:27
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 22/03/2019, 09:39
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 22/03/2019, 12:49
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Diaduman - 25/03/2019, 06:42
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 22/03/2019, 13:05
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 22/03/2019, 13:44
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 22/03/2019, 14:29
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by User 10691 - 22/03/2019, 19:23
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 22/03/2019, 22:44
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by User 10691 - 23/03/2019, 11:41
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 23/03/2019, 11:47
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by User 10691 - 23/03/2019, 14:50
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 23/03/2019, 15:02
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 23/03/2019, 17:13
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 23/03/2019, 19:33
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Diaduman - 24/03/2019, 16:12
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 23/03/2019, 20:05
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 23/03/2019, 20:24
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 24/03/2019, 16:38
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Tromproject - 24/03/2019, 18:32
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 24/03/2019, 19:12
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Tromproject - 25/03/2019, 04:39
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 25/03/2019, 07:59
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Diaduman - 25/03/2019, 09:09
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Gilogo - 30/03/2019, 18:35
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 30/03/2019, 19:32
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Gilogo - 02/04/2019, 00:44
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by kokobsb - 31/03/2019, 19:51
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 31/03/2019, 20:06
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by kokobsb - 31/03/2019, 21:13
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 31/03/2019, 21:20
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by kokobsb - 31/03/2019, 21:31
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 31/03/2019, 21:40
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Gilogo - 02/04/2019, 00:52
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Oema - 03/04/2019, 17:36
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Holzfred - 06/04/2019, 05:12
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 06/04/2019, 17:53
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Oema - 09/04/2019, 15:29
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 06/04/2019, 17:54
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Holzfred - 07/04/2019, 17:07
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Holzfred - 14/04/2019, 15:34
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by MarcosQui - 07/04/2019, 18:36
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Holzfred - 08/04/2019, 04:23
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 08/04/2019, 08:37
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 08/04/2019, 14:15
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 08/04/2019, 14:23
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 08/04/2019, 14:34
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 08/04/2019, 16:49
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 09/04/2019, 12:15
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 09/04/2019, 13:15
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 10/04/2019, 13:32
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 14/04/2019, 15:57
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Holzfred - 14/04/2019, 17:13
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by snakedoc - 02/05/2019, 13:51
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 02/05/2019, 19:45
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by mvlc - 05/05/2019, 03:02
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Oema - 05/05/2019, 18:57
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by adidas - 11/05/2019, 02:48
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by adidas - 19/06/2019, 11:12
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 11/05/2019, 05:41
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 11/05/2019, 11:38
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 11/05/2019, 17:50
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 11/05/2019, 18:13
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 12/05/2019, 05:41
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 25/05/2019, 21:09
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by kodibob - 17/05/2019, 07:21
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 17/05/2019, 11:11
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by kodibob - 17/05/2019, 14:38
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by kodibob - 17/05/2019, 14:46
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 18/05/2019, 13:09
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by allpro - 20/05/2019, 08:08
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 20/05/2019, 22:58
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by rossi29 - 21/05/2019, 09:01
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 21/05/2019, 11:43
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by rossi29 - 21/05/2019, 13:22
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 25/05/2019, 11:30
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by rossi29 - 26/05/2019, 08:08
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by latioboy - 25/05/2019, 13:00
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 25/05/2019, 13:25
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by latioboy - 25/05/2019, 14:45
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 25/05/2019, 15:12
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by latioboy - 25/05/2019, 15:17
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 26/05/2019, 12:32
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by rossi29 - 27/05/2019, 07:41
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Jefferson.rbt - 01/06/2019, 22:49
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 02/06/2019, 00:23
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Jefferson.rbt - 03/06/2019, 17:37
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Tromproject - 03/06/2019, 23:43
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 04/06/2019, 23:49
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Tromproject - 05/06/2019, 02:48
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Coco27 - 06/06/2019, 13:11
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 06/06/2019, 16:00
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Coco27 - 06/06/2019, 16:20
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Jefferson.rbt - 06/06/2019, 16:25
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Coco27 - 06/06/2019, 16:35
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 06/06/2019, 16:32
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Jefferson.rbt - 06/06/2019, 16:46
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 22/06/2019, 12:16
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Binnugsay - 24/06/2019, 17:23
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 24/06/2019, 22:08
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Oema - 01/07/2019, 13:23
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by edjalmo - 01/08/2019, 16:12
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 01/08/2019, 17:17
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by plop098 - 02/08/2019, 10:35
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 02/08/2019, 10:41
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by MANswers - 05/08/2019, 22:58
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 05/08/2019, 23:11
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.8.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by daedj - 19/08/2019, 21:31
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 19/08/2019, 23:50
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by mjnman - 28/08/2019, 12:44
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 29/08/2019, 22:43
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by latioboy - 13/09/2019, 08:27
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 13/09/2019, 08:56
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by latioboy - 13/09/2019, 09:11
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 13/09/2019, 13:53
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by REAPER OF HELL - 19/09/2019, 01:40
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 19/09/2019, 14:30
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by REAPER OF HELL - 21/09/2019, 19:27
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Johnny569 - 01/10/2019, 23:12
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 01/10/2019, 23:19
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Johnny569 - 02/10/2019, 23:31
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Johnny569 - 06/10/2019, 23:55
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Gerry - 05/11/2019, 08:30
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 06/11/2019, 14:46
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by latioboy - 06/11/2019, 18:11
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by latioboy - 07/11/2019, 14:23
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 07/11/2019, 18:30
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by latioboy - 08/11/2019, 08:41
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 08/11/2019, 12:18
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Mak_75 - 15/12/2019, 08:16
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 15/12/2019, 10:39
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Mak_75 - 15/12/2019, 11:29
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 22/12/2019, 11:44
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by G.R.3.3.D - 27/12/2019, 08:45
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 30/12/2019, 21:40
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Coco27 - 01/04/2020, 05:05
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 05/04/2020, 10:49
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 17/05/2020, 15:35
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 17/05/2020, 17:25
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 18/05/2020, 11:38
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 18/05/2020, 12:00
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 18/05/2020, 12:02
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 18/05/2020, 14:43
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 18/05/2020, 14:45
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 18/05/2020, 15:35
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 19/05/2020, 03:13
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by KmL63 - 15/08/2020, 11:06
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 15/08/2020, 22:53
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Msdarkdiva - 14/10/2020, 19:13
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 14/10/2020, 23:19
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Msdarkdiva - 17/10/2020, 17:05
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by thereverend - 18/10/2020, 16:49
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Coco27 - 29/12/2020, 06:13
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Mak_75 - 27/03/2021, 07:14
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 27/03/2021, 09:04
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Mak_75 - 29/03/2021, 07:39
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 29/03/2021, 09:11
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Vasco Costa - 03/04/2021, 08:33
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 03/04/2021, 13:59
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Vasco Costa - 18/04/2021, 17:44
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Ehduard Priutesa - 11/04/2021, 05:49
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 18/04/2021, 18:02
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Vasco Costa - 18/06/2021, 18:03
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Wanilton - 18/06/2021, 19:13
RE: [Release] Aeon MQ 8 - 2.9.0 - final - Kodi Leia - open to all users - by Vasco Costa - 20/06/2021, 03:05

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