@greengeek, most of the functions mentioned are administered by XBMC, and not by skins.
XBMC uses a caching system, where each independent image collected via internet or exist locally, are unified in a single location folder, and start to be referenced via database (textures.db).
XBMC maintains a local texture cache for thumbs and fanart, to allow fast loading of these images so that skins can show off your media in the best way possible.
All textures that XBMC loads, with the exception of textures that are provided directly by the skin, are cached to the userdata/Thumbnails folder.
The art URL's associated with library items are stored in the art table inside the video or music databases. These store the original URL to the art (e.g. from http://themoviedb.org, http://thetvdb.com, or http://theaudiodb.org). This means that central databases store where the art is obtained from, and multiple clients then just keep a local thumbnail cache.
For more info, read wiki.
You can use external tools to collect data and images such as: ember media manager or mediaelch or media company, etc...
If there nfo local, XBMC by default will use them to create your collection (library).
XBMC need internet for many others things, it´s necessary and crutial for work well.
XBMC uses a caching system, where each independent image collected via internet or exist locally, are unified in a single location folder, and start to be referenced via database (textures.db).
XBMC maintains a local texture cache for thumbs and fanart, to allow fast loading of these images so that skins can show off your media in the best way possible.
All textures that XBMC loads, with the exception of textures that are provided directly by the skin, are cached to the userdata/Thumbnails folder.
The art URL's associated with library items are stored in the art table inside the video or music databases. These store the original URL to the art (e.g. from http://themoviedb.org, http://thetvdb.com, or http://theaudiodb.org). This means that central databases store where the art is obtained from, and multiple clients then just keep a local thumbnail cache.
For more info, read wiki.
You can use external tools to collect data and images such as: ember media manager or mediaelch or media company, etc...
If there nfo local, XBMC by default will use them to create your collection (library).
XBMC need internet for many others things, it´s necessary and crutial for work well.
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KODI 21.0 Omega Custom / Skin Aeon MQ9-1.6.0-29 - 09.15.2023
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