do u need to re-donate if u already did before? I can't find mq5 in my google drive yet. The skin looks really promising. A sleek remix of ace/mq4 =)
great job.
great job.
Quote:Great preview!!
I like that the widgets are lower on the screen now, the lower the better possible it is to see the background image without it feeling crowded.
This is a small thing I would like to see different with Ace also.
I hope it's still possible to have the menu bar on the bottom of the screen as well, that way there's even more room.
(02/07/2013, 20:39)MarcosQui Wrote: Wesley, in my website you find all informations that need:
Quote:Firstly your skins awesome!
But seeing as you are making it even better i would love to see the movie showcase incorporate cdart. Similar to this ---> <--- mod however if you could move the cdart to the top right/left of the movie poster and have the effects slide out from underneath the poster with the cdART half visible and then rotate (like your music cdART effects on home screen) And then if you could put those slide and rotate effects on the same delay (eg 1sec, 2 sec ect) as the movie panel so they both slide out and down at the same time, i think that would look tops.
Quote:My only suggestion is to make sure the focus is on usability. You guys have just about every bell & whistle imaginable in this skin, which is awesome. All I want is a bit more practical/efficient implementation of a couple things and I can finally use this skin, which I've been dying to do since its so beautiful and customizable.
After using Plex on a Roku while at my girlfriend's place, and being around others who are pretty average tech users I find the most useful features to be the "Recently Added" and "Suggested" nodes. Other XBMC skins implement these somewhat well (Hybrid is my favorite), but the information at a glance is extremely limited. I'd love to see a smart, practical implementation of this in MQ5.
Just a suggestion that I think would appeal to the broad user-base!
Quote:I just want rom emulator game videos to be included like they were with mq4 while browsing your games in rom collection browser, was very disappointed it was removed in ace (now inclded again!) along with my favorite view to.
Quote:Also one other request found here, i really love how marcos included cdart for movie views, but still not cdart for music views like in this example request i posted here showing how nox displays cdart for music. Ace and aeon music views dont show cdart, and look a bit more bland, and i really miss the ability to see cdart in a specific view.
Quote:is there anyway we can fix some scaling issues. I set my resolution to 1920x800 to fill a 140in 2:35 aspect ratio projection screen. but this is the problem with mq4 at this resolution. see how the aspect changes and it cuts off the images. but with confluence it doesn't. Even if the picture is not square confluence accommodates, as you can tell by the highlighted image in the second picture. thats and rectangular image i have saved and displays rectangular. granted i should only be saving square images but hey. Can see how MQ4 just squeeze's the artist images. I know i shouldn't have aeon MQ4 at this resolution but thats just the way it is, and with these 800$-1000$ 1080p projectors flooding the market, you can bet your gonna see a lot more threads talking about cinemascope skin requests..which doesn't exist. I think if any skin should be the first one it should be Aeon MQ4. Hell if i dont have to buy this Video processor I'll donate a large lump of sum for your troubles.
also the tv shows.... heres mq4 then confluence
and the posters for the movies are getting squeezed too. by the way that first picture is YAMJ (yet another movie jukebox) and the gloss overlay on those dvd covers make the art really pop but thats not what this post is about
if this was fixed it would save people around a thousand dollars on purchasing one of these. Lumagen Aspect ratio managment tutorial on youtube please watch.
also this might be a little harder but if video scaling presets could be implemented that would be killer. What i mean by that is presets for the pixel ratio control and the zoom amount. That way when a 16:9 movie is played one preset button can be hit somehow and the massive theater screen is filled. Same thing with 1:78.1
and 4:3 although you're not gonna fill a 2:35 screen with a 4:3 image. but you can get kinda close to 16:9 Especially if we could create our own black bars! Would that be possible? lol. Man we might put lumagen out of business. XBMC can almost do exactly what that magic box does.
if the presets cant be implemented then the osd controls might need to be closer to the middle of the screen.
You guys rock. and I will never use any other skin then aeon mq series. Thats a fact!
Quote:Another Idea. Just stumbled on this :
With this tool, you can add widgets to the images dir of the skin. Could be good to make this part of XBMC a bit more exciting! I would like it anyway ...
Quote:accidentally posted this in the wrong thread -
also thing this would be a cool view for live tv -
Quote:How about an ability to change the poster size in some views to increase visibility of fanart