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Skin Aeon MQ 5 Frodo and Gotham
Sinal Aviso 

It looked to complicated for me sorry, havent tried it

Second request : support for trakt.tv addon please (needs skin integration)

Aeon MQ 5 - 1.1.5 Beta 7 - available in Google Drive - Frodo version and Gotham version.


Added: Wall view/Programs - option to set grid between sizes default, mid and big.
Added: TvTunes script - Support for Movie themes.
Added: New Login Screen.
Added: Settings submenu for Live TV menu.
Fixed: PVR - Minor details in layout.
Improved: Font size for Skin Settings.

Attention: This version has the 'auto reconfiguration', so you will have to redo the settings in some cases.

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Media Brazil Forum Staff
KODI 21.0 Omega Custom / Skin Aeon MQ9-1.6.0-29 - 09.15.2023
Be Vip Plus, donate.

Aeon MQ 5 - 1.1.5 Beta 7 - disponível


Adicionado: Vista Parede/Programas - opção para definir grade entre os tamanhos padrão, médio e grande.
Adicionado: TvTunes script - Suporte para temas de filmes.
Adicionado: Nova janela de login.
Adicionado: Submenu Ajustes para o menu TV ao Vivo.
Corrigido: PVR - detalhes de layout.
Melhorado: Tamanho da fonte para as janelas de ajustes.

Esta versão tem a auto-reconfiguração, você poderá ter que refazer alguns ajustes pessoais.

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Support the Media Brazil project. Make a donation or subscribe and become VIP - Access the exclusive features of the custom versions + access the VIP area of the forum.
Request more info via chat or private message.

Please do not PM me for support; use the forum instead

Media Brazil Forum Staff
KODI 21.0 Omega Custom / Skin Aeon MQ9-1.6.0-29 - 09.15.2023
Be Vip Plus, donate.


But i hope some things will still be added like:
- trakt.tv addon support
- views for submenus of movie (for actors, country, year, genre)...
Sinal Aviso 

@MarcosQui & @Wanilton,

I would like to request an option to hide the media info when you pause a video. I love the way it looks when you first pause before the media info pops up. I know I can use hide furniture, but when I'm paused I still want to see the the progress bad and the episode or movie info at the top of the screen. Would this be an option you would consider? Thanks.
Sinal Aviso 

Think i've found a bug
Look at the watched icon

[Image: 39ar.png]

Also wall view, i see the actual "wall" is centered vertically anymore?

[Image: rz0t.png]

Edit: Think i found second bug

For movies-> when i enter library, movie sets are there, entering it, does show the different movies of the set
But when going into submenu movies-sets, it shows a list, but entering only shows one empty pic instead of the pics of the different movies of the set
Sinal Aviso 


Did you think about the rightlist banner option i suggested (post on page2)
[Image: 229866741602Capturede769cran20130811a768171527.png]

@rcloud you are mistaken in Aeon MQ 5 if you use the hide furniture nothing is displayed.

1 - about watched icon in Showcase I see nothing wrong here, maybe you're using the skin in a window or outside the 16:9 ratio.
2 - Wall vertical? No.
3 - Perhaps you are in error in the script, try to upgrade to the latest version available HERE

@GuiZ to be honest I do not like it, I have no intention of making this change.

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Ok. It's not a big problem for me. I've the .xml ready but i need to replace the original version on every update. I think i can do that:mostrandolingua

Anyway, thx for your work, I'm using MQ5 on my main HTPC and no problem with it.
Sinal Aviso 

Hi, I posted this in the "Starting Construction" thread, but that might have been the wrong place. I apologize for that.

First off, I really like the skin!

But I have some problems. When playing a video and pausing or moving the cursor you'll get a menu at the bottom with buttons for play, pause, subtitles etc. That is fine, but the navigation in that menu is really weird. I use a remote control and when the menu shows and an item is highlighted and I want to move to the next one I press on the right or left button on the remote (or keyboard). But that makes the video jump 30 seconds instead of changing the highlighted item. How is this supposed to work?

Secondly. When browsing for subtitles the top part of the subtitles window is covered by the pause top title screen. Ill try to get a screenshot of it.

edit: all screenshots just get 0 bytes :/ But I hope you understand what I mean anyway.
Sinal Aviso 


Will you have a fix for this in the next beta? As you can see the 4:3 thumbnails overlaps each other.

(13/09/2013, 04:57)Sebastian Borg Wrote:  I noticed that you changed the size of the episode thumbnails in panelview. It looks great on newer shows that uses 16:9 thumbnails.

[Image: dWBd6xQ.jpg]

But not so good with older shows that uses 4:3 thumbnails.

[Image: dQOjdz7.jpg]


I know about the hide furniture feature that hides everything so that nothing is displayed. My request was for an option to only hide the media info, so that when you pause you still see the progress bar and video title. This way you have the vital information about the video, but most of the screen is still visible. My request is essentially for an option for what is shown when you first pause before the media info pops up.

"30 seconds instead of changing the highlighted item". Surely you have some isolated problem, there is nothing wrong with the skin. A clean install maybe!?

"top part of the subtitles window is covered by the pause top title screen". To be honest I have not encountered this error, but I fix an overlap in the information screen, I hope that's it.

@Sebastian Borg ok, fixed.

@rcloud I'm sorry, I understood wrongly. But what you want already exists, in pause you see only the title and footer, after 5s appears the rest of the furniture. Not enough? How long do you want to look at the "clean" pause screen? :sorrisao

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Sorry to bother you again, but did you manage to look at the points raised here at all?

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