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Download Kodi 20.2 - Nexus - Final
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KODI 20.2 Nexus Final

Atualizado em 13/11/2023


Versão custom 64 bits disponível para membros vip plus em drive principal




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Media Brazil Forum Staff
KODI 21.0 Omega Custom / Skin Aeon MQ9-1.6.0-29 - 09.15.2023
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Escolhido o novo nome no dia de hoje para a geração 20, codinome Nexus.
 So, is it...
  • A series designator for replicants?
  • An extra-dimensional realm that exists outside of space and time, visited by both Kirk and Picard?
  • A post-cyberpunk trilogy by Ramez Naam?
  • A dungeon in World of Warcraft?
  • The heart of every Protoss settlement in StarCraft?
  • All of the above, and perhaps more?
Ladies, gentlemen, non-binary, non-human, and inorganic lifeforms... I give you ...
Kodi 20 "Nexus"

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Media Brazil Forum Staff
KODI 21.0 Omega Custom / Skin Aeon MQ9-1.6.0-29 - 09.15.2023
Be Vip Plus, donate.

Não estou conseguindo fazer download de nenhuma das versões. Sempre da link inválido. Qualquer plataforma. ???


Fiz uma correção no protocolo Https, deve ter sanado. Obrigado por seu alerta sobre.

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Media Brazil Forum Staff
KODI 21.0 Omega Custom / Skin Aeon MQ9-1.6.0-29 - 09.15.2023
Be Vip Plus, donate.

Versão 20 do Kodi Nexus chega a versão final estável, link para download no post inicial deste tópico.

Kodi 20.0 "Nexus" - Release

Team Kodi

January 15, 2023
4 min read
It's Time! We are pleased to present the latest release of Kodi, v20 "Nexus".

With over 4,600 commits since v19 "Matrix" was released on February 19th, 2021, this has been a huge effort. Thanks go out to our team members, and everyone in our community who sent a pull request, tested and gave feedback, or provided support to users on the forum. We appreciate your contribution to making Kodi better.

Let's review some of the changes you can expect:

Major Features
Multiple Instances of Binary Add-ons
This allows Kodi to load multiple instances of a binary add-on. For example, TVHeadend users can now run more than one instance of the add-on to connect to multiple back-end TVHeadend servers, with individual settings like channel groups and hidden channels maintained per add-on instance. @AlwinEsch was the developer behind a lot of this, with support from @ksooo. Your favorite binary add-on may not support this capability yet, but we hope add-on developers introduce this into their projects soon.

AV1 Video Support
Several Kodi platforms now allow hardware decoding of AV1 media. The Inputstream API has been updated to support AV1 and this allows add-ons using inputsream.adaptive to play AV1 streams.

Subtitles Rework
Massive rework of the subtitle system was undertaken by @CastagnaIT making subtitle formats more consistent for development and maintenance, and enabling features that were previously not possible. Kodi now supports dynamic positioning of fonts, changing of border and background colours, subtitle positioning, improved multi-language support, and more. If you are a regular user of subtitles, jump on in and check it all out.

Game (libretro) Savestate Support
The GSOC 2020 project of @NikosSiak received some polishing touches before finally (!) being merged. With mentoring from @VelocityRa and @gusandrianos, and the assistance of @garbear, this has been a long time coming. This feature allows you to save the game state at any time, even if games do not provide native savestate features themselves. Great for gamers, and times when you aren't watching Videos with Kodi ;)

Windows HDR Support
Full HDR support for the Windows Desktop platform has been implemented by @thexai along with many improvements throughout the Windows (DXVA/2) video pipeline. HDR is not available on non-Desktop, i.e. UWP Store (Xbox) versions. Improvements to allow more accurate ACES Filmic and HABLE tone mapping make even SDR video look better, and these capabilities are implemented for both UWP and Desktop versions of Kodi.

NFSv4 Support
Changes to allow NFSv4 support was implemented by @lrusak as previously we only supported NFSv3. There are some caveats with this (you must explicitly select either NFSv4 or NFSv3 for a source). Give it a try!

Context Menu Consistency
Improvements to right-click/long-press context menu handling were made by @ksooo in numerous areas. This makes the function of the context menu much more consistent over different windows, and enabled some new capabilities like the playback of albums directly from widgets, series resume, etc. to be added.

Behind The Scenes
The majority of changes are "under the hood" and invisible to users but improve the stability, performance, and safety of Kodi. API changes have been made to evolve Python and Binary add-ons and bring new skinning features. There are updates to Kodi dependencies on most if not all Kodi platforms. Fixes from regular use of code static-analysis tools. Database migration fixes for a smoother update ... and lots more.

There are too many individual changes to detail everything. If you would like to know more, please look back through the Nexus Alpha to RC2 release announcements and review the GitHub changelog here.

Time does not stand still. Branches are forked and development on Kodi v21 (codename: "Omega") is already underway. Thank you again for your continued support as we continue to make Kodi great!

Help Wanted!
If you experience any issues or find any remaining bugs, please post in the General Support section of our forum. If you have fixes for issues please submit a pull request with your changes to our master branch on GitHub. We also welcome users who want to help answer questions in the forum or write articles for the wiki.

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Media Brazil Forum Staff
KODI 21.0 Omega Custom / Skin Aeon MQ9-1.6.0-29 - 09.15.2023
Be Vip Plus, donate.

GB WhatsApp Download While custom themes add personalization, they can increase battery consumption. Stick with default or lighter themes to reduce battery load.

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