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Any news about Wanilton?

Haven't heard from him or MQ since his post stating that his health issue had resurfaced, like 2 months ago...

Anybody knows how is he doing? I hope he is missing because he's on recovery....



The news I recently heard is that his health has worsened, which is not good, unfortunately.

(19/12/2023, 10:20)R.O.N.A.L.D.O Wrote:  The news I recently heard is that his health has worsened, which is not good, unfortunately.

That is sad indeed. I had thought that after his tumour removal, he had recovered fully and this is bad news. We'll pray that he gets allright. Warm Regards

Hi Max, thanks for your concern !

Happy New Year, the one who´s writing this message is Tales (Wanilton Oldest Son) my father just got home from 2 months on hospitalization. On the last and third surgery against his Brain Tumor, a big portion of my Dad Brain was removed by a Lobotomy, in a attempt to cease the return of the Tumor, in this process he lost a lot of his cognitive process and he has a lot of difficulty in doing basic home-tasks and activities, such as his management and work with MQ on the Forum.

Slowly i´m trying to help him in his recovery process, such as his daily activites in the forum and daily routine, hopefully in a few months it will get better.

Furthermore, i´ll try to help him with major tasks in the forum.

From the bottom of my heart, im thankful for the support, concern and the comprehension of you and others users of the forum about my Father health situation.

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Support the Media Brazil project. Make a donation or subscribe and become VIP - Access the exclusive features of the custom versions + access the VIP area of the forum.
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Media Brazil Forum Staff
KODI 21.0 Omega Custom / Skin Aeon MQ9-1.6.0-29 - 09.15.2023
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[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Wanilton for this post:
  • mdalfollo

Tales, agradecemos essas notícias sobre o seu pai, de minha parte ficarei na torcida para que ele consiga se recuperar o mais breve e da melhor forma possível.

Your father seems like a lovely man, he's helped me out many times here! Please send him all our love and hope for a speedy recovery!

Hi Tales

Thanks for updating us all on the status of your Father. I wish him the best. I know it will be a tough recovery path for him and the whole family. All my positive vibes go for him and his loved ones. You're a great son helping him with his side-project (the forum)


Hello Tales. I do hope and pray that your father gets well and recovers all his faculties at the earliest. In God's hands nothing is impossible and prayer will positively lead to a recovery.
His dedication to this forum and the development and furtherance of Kodi and its MQ line of skins, by him and Marcos Qui has been something extraordinary and has given me and I am sure many others too, a lot of pleasure over the years.
I sincerely wish that he gets well soon and is with all of you in his family in full health at the earliest.
Request you to do keep posting his status. Warm Regards.

Thank you for your information, I was shocked at the situation that happened to him.
I hope that with your help and those around him, he can begin the process of recovery and rehabilitation that will lead him to a better situation.
From the contacts I had via chat, I found out that he is a great person and that we are fans of the same music group.
I also wish you and your family members much health and strength so that he can get better as soon as possible.

Hello Tales. Can you please post some news on your father if he is better. Thanks

Hi guys

I dont have more details but Just got some bad newa. Our friend wanilton Just passed away today 13/02 around 16h Brazil time.

It was from one of grups we have about kodi in WhatsApp

Após uma batalha contra um Glioblastoma grau 4, o Wanilton faleceu hoje às 16:15 hs. Nossa despedida com ele será amanhã entre as 8:00 e 11:30 da manhã. Na Capela da funerária Santa Catarina no bairro Itacorubi.

Posted by Marcus Krahl

We wish the whole family strength and resilience. And our deepest regrets for what happened.

R.I.P Friend

Very very sad, rest in peace my friend

Will miss our random chats

Rest well friend

So sad to hear this. I am sure he is in a better place now, whatever that place is.

My prayers go to his family, who are the ones that will suffer the most not having him around. 

As for this community, he will be missed. And I hope somebody takes the torch from him and keeps this alive


I checked back often to see if there were any updates on his condition. My sincerest condolences to his family, and to you Tales if you see this.
He was truly a gentleman and will be missed.

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